クラッシュ・バンディクーも快適プレイ--Xperia PLAYレビュー - 24/28

 PSソフトのほかに、Xperia PLAY対応ゲームとしてレースゲーム「アスファルト6:Adrenaline HD」、3D格闘ゲーム「BRUCE LEE DRAGON WARRIOR」、シューティングゲーム「Star Battalion HD」がプリインストールされている。

(C)2010 Gameloft. All Rights Reserved. Gameloft, the Gameloft logo and Asphalt are trademarks of Gameloft in the US and/or other countries. All manufacturers, cars, motorbikes, names, brands and associated imagery featured in the Asphalt 6: Adrenaline mobile game are trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective owners. (C)2010 Gameloft. All Rights Reserved. Gameloft and the Gameloft logo are trademarks of Gameloft in the U.S. and/or other countries. (C)The game is co-produced and co-published through Digital Legends Entertainment and Indiagames Ltd.BRUCE LEE is a registered trademark of Bruce Lee Enterprises, LLC. The Bruce Lee name, image, likeness and all related indicia are intellectual property of Bruce Lee Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

 PSソフトのほかに、Xperia PLAY対応ゲームとしてレースゲーム「アスファルト6:Adrenaline HD」、3D格闘ゲーム「BRUCE LEE DRAGON WARRIOR」、シューティングゲーム「Star Battalion HD」がプリインストールされている。

(C)2010 Gameloft. All Rights Reserved. Gameloft, the Gameloft logo and Asphalt are trademarks of Gameloft in the US and/or other countries. All manufacturers, cars, motorbikes, names, brands and associated imagery featured in the Asphalt 6: Adrenaline mobile game are trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective owners. (C)2010 Gameloft. All Rights Reserved. Gameloft and the Gameloft logo are trademarks of Gameloft in the U.S. and/or other countries. (C)The game is co-produced and co-published through Digital Legends Entertainment and Indiagames Ltd.BRUCE LEE is a registered trademark of Bruce Lee Enterprises, LLC. The Bruce Lee name, image, likeness and all related indicia are intellectual property of Bruce Lee Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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