クラッシュ・バンディクーも快適プレイ--Xperia PLAYレビュー - 12/28

 Xperia PLAYのホーム画面。インストールされているゲームをワンタッチで起動できるほか、新たなゲームをダウンロードできる。

"CRASH BANDICOOT" is a registered trademark of Universal Interactive Incorporated. (C)1996 Universal Interactive Studios, Inc. Source Code; (C)1996 Naughty Dog, Inc. All rights reserved. (C)1999 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (C)2010 Gameloft. All Rights Reserved. Gameloft and the Gameloft logo are trademarks of Gameloft in the US and/or other countries. Marvel, Spider-Man and all related characters and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Marvel Entertainment, LLC and its subsidiaries and are used with permission. TM & c 2010 Marvel Entertainment, LLC and its subsidiaries. Licensed by Marvel Characters B.V. www.marvel.com. All rights reserved. (C)2010 Gameloft. All Rights Reserved. Gameloft and the Gameloft logo are trademarks of Gameloft in the U.S. and/or other countries. (C)2010 Gameloft. All Rights Reserved. Gameloft, the Gameloft logo and Real Football are trademarks of Gameloft in the U.S. and/or other countries.

 Xperia PLAYのホーム画面。インストールされているゲームをワンタッチで起動できるほか、新たなゲームをダウンロードできる。

"CRASH BANDICOOT" is a registered trademark of Universal Interactive Incorporated. (C)1996 Universal Interactive Studios, Inc. Source Code; (C)1996 Naughty Dog, Inc. All rights reserved. (C)1999 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (C)2010 Gameloft. All Rights Reserved. Gameloft and the Gameloft logo are trademarks of Gameloft in the US and/or other countries. Marvel, Spider-Man and all related characters and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Marvel Entertainment, LLC and its subsidiaries and are used with permission. TM & c 2010 Marvel Entertainment, LLC and its subsidiaries. Licensed by Marvel Characters B.V. www.marvel.com. All rights reserved. (C)2010 Gameloft. All Rights Reserved. Gameloft and the Gameloft logo are trademarks of Gameloft in the U.S. and/or other countries. (C)2010 Gameloft. All Rights Reserved. Gameloft, the Gameloft logo and Real Football are trademarks of Gameloft in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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