ザッカーバーグCEOの宣言文は何を意味しているのか - (page 3)


(1)How do we help people build supportive communities that strengthen traditional institutions in a world where membership in these institutions is declining?

(2)How do we help people build a safe community that prevents harm, helps during crises and rebuilds afterwards in a world where anyone across the world can affect us?

(3)How do we help people build an informed community that exposes us to new ideas and builds common understanding in a world where every person has a voice?

(4)How do we help people build a civically-engaged community in a world where participation in voting sometimes includes less than half our population?

(5)How do we help people build an inclusive community that reflects our collective values and common humanity from local to global levels, spanning cultures, nations and regions in a world with few examples of global communities?


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