ユービーアイソフトは4月30日、PS4/Xbox One用ソフト「F1 2015」を7月23日に発売することを発表した。価格は税別で各7980円。
本作は、英国Codemastersが開発するFormula 1の公式ライセンスを受けたレースゲームシリーズ最新作。これまで日本向けにはCodemastersの日本法人から販売されていたが、2015年3月末で閉鎖。新作はユービーアイソフトから販売されることとなった。また発表にあわせて、日本版のパッケージデザインも公開された。
(C) 2015 The Codemasters Software Company Limited ("Codemasters"). All rights reserved. "Codemasters"(R), "Ego"(R) and the Codemasters logo are registered trade marks owned by Codemasters.
"Codemasters Racing"TM is a trade mark of Codemasters.
An official product of the FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP. The F1 FORMULA 1 logo, F1 logo, F1 FIA FORMULA 1 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP logo, FORMULA 1, FORMULA ONE, F1, FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, GRAND PRIX and related marks are trade marks of Formula One Licensing BV, a Formula One group company. Licensed by Formula One World Championship Limited. (C)Key art driver images 2015, licensed by Formula One World Championship Limited. All rights reserved.
All other copyrights or trade marks are the property of their respective owners and are being used under license. Unauthorised copying, adaptation, rental, lending, re-sale, arcade use, charging for use, broadcast, cable transmission, public performance, distribution or extraction of this product or any trade mark or copyright work that forms part of this product is prohibited. Developed by Codemasters. Published and distributed in Japan and Asia (excluding mainland China) by UBISOFT Entertainment under license from Codemasters. UBISOFT and the UBISOFT logo are trademarks of UBISOFT Entertainment in the US and/or other countries.
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