フォトレポート:デトロイト・モーターショー開幕 - 7/14

CNET News.com Staff2006年01月12日 13時26分
あの「Lamborghini Miura」が蘇った。ただし、このコンセプトカーの生産予定はないとのこと。

. The new Miura Concept is a tribute to the original Miura, which was first unveiled 40 years ago. The Miura boasts a long list of celebrity owners, from Jay Leno to Frank Sinatra. This Miura concept is a design study only, and there are currently no plans to put it into production.
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あの「Lamborghini Miura」が蘇った。ただし、このコンセプトカーの生産予定はないとのこと。

. The new Miura Concept is a tribute to the original Miura, which was first unveiled 40 years ago. The Miura boasts a long list of celebrity owners, from Jay Leno to Frank Sinatra. This Miura concept is a design study only, and there are currently no plans to put it into production.


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