
エーエムシー株式会社 2015年08月09日 20時30分
From 共同通信PRワイヤー

社名: AMC Azabudai Music Communications (Japan)
電話: 080 6635 8924
mail: opt@masahiro.tv
社名: C-tracks Records (Germany)
電話: +49 172 8930330
mail: p@c-tracks.com



通常では考えられないような屋外で特徴的なオレンジ色のピアノを世界各地で演奏することで有名なドイツ人シンガ-ソングライターのStefan Aaronは今回、横浜で高さ296メートルのランドマークタワーの屋上に位置するヘリポートで演奏を行う。キャッチーなメロディーの最新作「The Yokohama Song」は横浜市の協力を得て、ローカルミュージシャンとのコラボレーションという彼の特徴的なスタイルで撮影される予定だ。オレンジピアノツアーの一環として今回ステファンは、日本人シンガーソングライターMasahiroとコラボレーション、ミュージックビデオに共演する。

オレンジピアノツアーについては  リンク


「本当にThe Yokohama Songのワールドプレミアが楽しみなんだ。僕は演奏する場所、土地が持っているエネルギーを引き出したい。才能あるローカルミュージシャンたちとのコラボレーションも素晴らしい体験になる。」とStefanは言う。

ランドマークタワーのヘリポートで演奏されるThe Yokohama Songを空撮したStefanとMasahiroのミュージックビデオは近日公開予定。


Stefan Aaron リンク
Masahiro       リンク

社名:       AMC Azabudai Music Communications (Japan)
電話:       080 6635 8924
Email:     opt@masahiro.tv
社名:       C-tracks Records (Germany)
電話:      +49 172 8930330
Email:     p@c-tracks.com

Orange Piano to Make Music Video History in Yokohama
Daredevil Pianist Brings his Record-Breaking World Tour to 296m High Yokohama Landmark Tower

Renowned for playing his orange piano at unusual outdoor locations, German pianist Stefan Aaron and will recreate his magic atop the helipad of the 296m high Landmark Tower. The city of Yokohama will witness the world premiere of his latest track, ‘The Yokohama Song’, a peppy number with a catchy tune that will be shot in the talented musician’s trademark style. Stefan has collaborated with acclaimed local songwriter and musician Masahiro specifically for this event as a part of his ongoing Orange Piano Tour.

The Yokohama Landmark Tower is Stefan’s fifth stop after his performances on the summit of the Alphubel Mountain in Saas-Fee, Switzerland; the Juyongguan pass on the Great Wall of China; the Preikestolen in Norway and on a flying carpet at the Munich Airport.

Stefan is no stranger to creating music video history and has literally scaled new heights, but what makes this event truly spectacular and magnificent is that he has received exclusive filming permission to shoot his music video at this skyscraper, an impressive eye-catcher at Yokohama’s coastline. Stefan’s vocals and live performance on his signature orange piano, gifted musician Masahiro’s guitar accompaniment and dancers will set the stage to create this breathtaking spectacle. Masahiro リンク

“I’m really excited about the world premiere of ‘The Yokohama Song’ in Japan. Every location I perform in brings its own energy and I also get an opportunity to collaborate with amazing musicians,” said Aaron.

Stefan’s amazing musical journey has been beautifully captured in this trailer. More information about Stefan Aaron and his unique Orange Piano Tour is available at

Enjoy the music and the soon-to-be-released stunning heli-shoot video of ‘Yokohama Song’ on the helipad of the Yokohama Landmark Tower.

Media Contact:

Name:    AMC Azabudai Music Communications (Japan)
Phone:    0081 80 6635 8924
Email:     opt@masahiro.tv
Name:    C-tracks Records (Germany)
Phone:    0049 172 8930330
Email:     p@c-tracks.com


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