Getting Work Teaching English in Japan: A guide for the perplexed

Teaching English in Japan has long been a relatively easy gateway into living and working here. Essentially, anyone whose first language is English and has a college degree has a chance of finding a job with a company that will sponsor a visa, and usually even help find a place to live.

Teaching English in Japan has long been a relatively easy gateway into living and working here. Essentially, anyone whose first language is English and has a college degree has a chance of finding a job with a company that will sponsor a visa, and usually even help find a place to live. It can be more difficult without a degree, of course, but not impossible. The primary issue is that the requirements for getting work permission can be vague, and usually indicate either a bachelor’s degree or ten years’ experience.

These days, the industrial landscape is different. There are fewer opportunities for really good jobs, many of the major players have changed their employment practices, and changes in laws and regulations have hit job security. But the opportunities remain, and with some care you can still find something to fit you.

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