The Innovative Engines, Glamorous EVs, and eVTOL Aircraft of Japan’s Automakers

The Eyes of the World are on the Innovative Engines, Glamorous EVs, and eVTOL Aircraft of Japan’s Automakers
Mazda, Famed for the Rotary Engine, Have Developed a New Innovative Engine
This writer is in love with the two-seater convertible Mazda MX-5 Miata (which is called the Mazda Roadster in Japan). Though it can only seat two people and cannot carry much luggage, I drove the original model for nearly 30 years.

Mazda, Famed for the Rotary Engine, Have Developed a New Innovative Engine
This writer is in love with the two-seater convertible Mazda MX-5 Miata (which is called the Mazda Roadster in Japan). Though it can only seat two people and cannot carry much luggage, I drove the original model for nearly 30 years. Last fall I had to part with my beloved car due to a sudden breakdown. However, I like the MX-5 so much that in full knowledge of its drawbacks, I chose an MX-5 for my new car too.

Mazda MX-5
I chose the MX-5 because it is a beautifully designed and fun-to-drive car. But that’s not all. I also feel that I want to support the automaker Mazda’s commitment to pursuing new technologies. Internationally, Mazda is known as a small car maker, but there are many fans of the MX-5, and it is the only company in the world that has succeeded in mass-producing rotary engines and installing them in commercial vehicles.

(Please see below for the rest)


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