Phrases for the Office

The road to effective Japanese fluency is a long one, and while there are no shortcuts to real mastery, a few targeted phrases can not only help you communicate more smoothly, but also make a good impression on your colleagues and superiors.

The road to effective Japanese fluency is a long one, and while there are no shortcuts to real mastery, a few targeted phrases can not only help you communicate more smoothly, but also make a good impression on your colleagues and superiors.

One basic principle is that office Japanese tends toward the formal. Obviously, in most interactions you won’t be using the top level of formality, 敬語 keigo, but be sure to use the desu/masu level. In addition, when you are dealing with customers and outside visitors, it’s always best to go as formal as you can. Many of the phrases below use keigo vocabulary and grammar, so you’ll notice differences from how you normally speak.

Study the phrases below and use them well, and you’ll just how much it can help your office life.

(Please see below for the rest)


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