‘Motsu-nabe’, a classic winter dish for engineers

Have you ever tried motsu-nabe (lit. ’organ pot’)? It’s a bit of a Japanese favourite. I think it’s surprisingly little-known outside Japan, so I’m going to introduce it today.

Have you ever tried motsu-nabe (lit. ’organ pot’)? It’s a bit of a Japanese favourite. I think it’s surprisingly little-known outside Japan, so I’m going to introduce it today.

Motsu-nabe is actually a good dish for both the health and performance of a busy engineer.

Nabe dishes are a classic of Japanese winters. It’s the first thing many Japanese people think of eating when it starts to get cold.

’Nabe dish’ is a bit of a broad stroke, and there are actually many types. Sukiyaki is probably the most popular. Shabu-shabu, oden, chige-nabe, yose-nabe, kamo-nabe, mizutaki, chanko-nabe and so on are some other examples; there’s no end to them.

When I was a university student, I was working part-time in a sukiyaki restaurant in Ginza, and saw many foreign customers there.

Now, I’d like to introduce some of the appeals of motsu-nabe.

(Please see below for the rest)


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