Have fun with your own 3D character in VRoid!

When I was a child, we’d often play by drawing our own characters on paper. None of the heroes and villains we drew were really any good, since we were all children, but I had quite a lot of fun like that back in the day.
Have you had any experiences like this?

When I was a child, we’d often play by drawing our own characters on paper. None of the heroes and villains we drew were really any good, since we were all children, but I had quite a lot of fun like that back in the day.
Have you had any experiences like this?

Today, technology has spread to the point that terms like VR and AR no longer seem so extraordinary, and boundaries are blurring between the real and digital worlds. While the entertainment association is prevalent, with Pokemon GO still going strong in Japan, VR also sees use in surgery training and long-distance surgery, as well as VR trips for the elderly who have difficulty living their homes, and seeing distant family. In real estate, it’s used to check the premises before a purchase, while education uses it for such things as a life experience of the Edo period or seeing jungle animals up close.

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