Teachings of a Samurai Engineer 7: Cookies and sessions, part 1

This time, I’d like to talk a bit about cookies and sessions, two functions that look quite similar at a glance.

This time, I’d like to talk a bit about cookies and sessions, two functions that look quite similar at a glance.
First, let’s go over the basics on HTTP communication.
HTTP’s most simple form is HTTP/0.9, so let’s start there.
To break it down to its basics:
・A simple request is made
・A simple response is given
HTTP/0.9 really has nothing going on past this, and that makes it perfect for understanding HTTP in its most basic form.
This request->response flow continues to be repeated in later iterations of HTTP. From HTTP 1.0, to 1.1, to 2, the core of it is built on the same simple combination of parts: Meet a request with a response.

(Please see below for the rest)


このサイトでは、利用状況の把握や広告配信などのために、Cookieなどを使用してアクセスデータを取得・利用しています。 これ以降ページを遷移した場合、Cookieなどの設定や使用に同意したことになります。
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