Japan’s manufacturers dominate the world’s top 3 ranking of ultrafast elevators

Japan’s manufacturers dominate the world’s top 3 ranking of ultrafast elevators with maximum speeds of 1260m/min!

The world’s top 3 fastest elevators are made in Japan
With the ongoing development of construction engineering, more and more high-rise buildings are being built around the world.Such buildings are big enough to be described as separate towns with throngs of people moving about inside. For that reason, it is necessary to furnish these buildings with elevators that can transport these crowds at high speeds.

Currently, the world’s fastest elevator is employed in a building in China, and it can reach a speed of 1260 m/min (75.6 km/h). This elevator was supplied by Hitachi Building Systems. Moreover, in the world’s top speed elevator ranking, the number 2 elevator was developed by Mitsubishi Electric/ and number 3 was developed by Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems. In other words, Japan’s manufacturers hold the top 3 positions in the world.

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