青山学院大学地球社会共生学部 岡部篤行教授が2018年の国際地理学連合(International Geographical Union)桂冠名誉賞(Laureat d'honneur awards)を受賞

青山学院大学 2018年08月11日 02時05分 [ 青山学院大学のプレスリリース一覧 ]
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青山学院大学地球社会共生学部教授の岡部篤行氏が、国際地理学連合(International Geographical Union)において、国際的規模で地理学の発展に貢献し、また国際地理学連合の活動に顕著な役割を果たした人に与えられる賞である「桂冠名誉賞」(Laureat d’honneur awards)を受賞した。



岡部篤行(おかべ あつゆき)
1975年ペンシルバニア大学博士課程修了(Ph.D.)、1977年東京大学博士課程修了(工学 博士)。1977年筑波大学講師、助教授を経て、1980年東京大学助教授、1990年同大教授。

※注1 原文
Nominees for the laureat should have contributed significantly to the advancement of geography at the international scale as well as having played a prominent role in IGU affairs.

※注2 原文
Professor Atsuyuki Okabe has contributed greatly to the IGU National Committee (Japanese representative), IGU Mathematical Models Commission (full member), International GIScience Conference, Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe (AGILE). He played an extraordinary role in organizing Kyoto IGU Conference, which was highly successful, as well as in the GIS Association of Japan, which promoted substantial international exchange, including with other Asian GIS Associations. He has served as an editor or editorial board member of 11 international geographical journals. His books include Spatial Tessellations, which has been cited in more than 5,600 international papers; Islamic Area Studies with GIS was awarded the World Book Prize; and Spatial Analysis along Networks opened a new frontier in geographical analysis. Sessions in honour of Professor Okabe have been held at the AAG. He is a deserving recipient of an IGU Laureat d'Honneur Award for 2018.

2018年8月2日時点では、Google Scholarで5,973の学術論文に引用と掲示されている。

Okabe, A., Boots,B., Sugihara, K. and Chiu, S.N. (2009) Spatial Tessellations: Concepts and Applications of Voronoi Diagrams. Wiley series in Probability and Statistics, Chichester: John Wiley.

The World Award for Book of the Year of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 2006.

Okabe, A. ed. (2004) Islamic Area Studies with Geographical Information Systems.  
London: RoutledgeCurzon.

Okabe, A. and Sugihara, K. (2012) Spatial Analysis along Networks. Wiley series in Statistics in Practice. Chichester: John Wiley.

American Association of Geographers, Annual Meeting at San Francisco,April 17-21, 2007.
A Theme Issue on Spatial Analysis and GIScinece in Honor of Atsuyuki Okabe. Journal of Geographical Systems, vol.11(2), 2009.

 青山学院大学 政策・企画部 大学広報課

【リリース発信元】 大学プレスセンター リンク


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