世界2,000万ダウンロードのカメラアプリ「FxCamera」、iPhoneに対応 ~ 新機能「Voice Picture」で、音付き写真の撮影を実現 ~

株式会社ビットセラー 2012年11月27日 11時00分



今回「FxCamera」は、これまでサービスを提供していたAndroid版のみならず、かねてからユーザー様のご要望が多かった「FxCamera」のiPhone版の提供を開始することにより、世界中で新たな利用機会の創出・拡大、および更なる利用者の拡大を目指しております。またiPhone版「FxCamera」では、音を付けて写真を撮影できる「Voice Picture」機能を新たに実装し、より人々の記録が色鮮やかで豊かに残す試みを開始しました。


■ FxCamera for iPhoneについて
動作環境:iOS5.0以上のiPhone(3GS以降)及びiPod touch(第4世代以降)

■ 株式会社ビットセラーについて リンク

■ 本件に関するお問い合わせ
株式会社ビットセラー 広報担当
東京都港区虎ノ門5-11-1 オランダヒルズ森タワーRoP 8階

FxCamera: Free Android Camera App with 20 Million Downloads Worldwide is now available on iPhone App Store.

As the central office located in Tokyo, Minato-ku, Bitcellar Inc. (also known as Bitcellar) is a company that operates Free Android Camera App known as the FxCamera(リンク). We are very happy to announce today that we now have this App for all iPhone users as well!

FxCamera is a free and easy camera application that allows anyone to take creative photos using various effects. The FxCamera App is high on demand not only in central Asia but also, throughout North America to the East Asia region; centralizing in 225 different countries and regions. We now hold a record of 20 million downloads worldwide.

As Bitcellar’s services are imminently provided in the Android market, we have long decided to broaden our spectrum this time to our iPhone users as well due to the number of high demands. From this new beginning, we hope to create and expand accessibility for the public as well as to achieve an increase in the number of users.

At Bitcellar, we will continue to expand our new FxCamera as Japan’s first global Camera App. We are also in the process of looking into the development of the storage system to continue to further enhance our camera function and model worldwide.

■ FxCamera for iPhone users:

App FxCamera リンク
Hardware iOS 5.0 or higher
Language English/Japanese/Korean
Price Free
Download リンク

■ About our company: リンク
At Bitcellar, our mission is to provide a closer relationship for all users with images. As we have evolved into a decade where taking easy and accessible photos is so common in everyday usage, we will continue to create FxCamera to keep all photos neatly organized and accessible for everyone. As we now step into the smartphone user era, through the storage service, we promise to keep the FxCamera app smart as well.

■ For any inquiries:
Bitcellar, Inc. Press Release
5-11-1 Toranomon, Minatoku, Tokyo 105-0001, Japan, 8th Floor
URL: リンク
Twitter: @bitcellar

プレスリリース提供:PRTIMES リンク


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