Special Data Center Training classroom in English FEATURING Prof. Ian BITTERLIN

2019年5月20日 (月)~2019年5月22日 (水)
[ 研修 ] 株式会社DC ASIA


開催日:  2019年5月20日~5月22日

申込締切日:2019年4月26日 (金)

This course encompasses the basic principles of data center design, tracking its history from the early days of the mainframe to the modern enterprise data center in its many forms and the future. It has modules on all the major sub-systems of a mission critical facility and their inter-dependencies, including power, cooling, compute and network.

Students will learn to apply best practice recommendations to site selection, building layout requirements, including resiliency level and space requirements as well as gain a good understanding of relevant standards, regulations, definitions and metrics that apply to the data center industry​.


Data Center Design Awareness | Level - Foundation
Schedule : 20-22 May 2019, 10.00-18.00
Trainning Fee : JPY 220,000 (+tax)
Language : English - Annual and Limited opportunity in Japan!

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