

現代社会においては、様々な技術革新の基盤はユビキタスな電力供給にあるが、配電網自体は、長年にわたって投資が低レベルだったために、数十年前の技術のままである。しかし今、政府や産業界の主導により、配電インフラストラクチャのオーバーホールを促進する必要性が再認識されはじめていると、米国の環境保護関連市場調査会社パイクリサーチ社の調査レポート「スマートグリッド技術:ネットワークと通信、エネルギー管理、自動配電、高度メーターインフラ(AMI) ー Smart Grid Technologies:Networking and Communications, Energy Management, Grid Automation, and Advanced Metering Infrastructure」は報告している。そのため、世界のスマートグリッド技術への投資額は、2008-2015年の期間に累計2000億ドルとなるだろう。

「スマートメーターは、現在スマートグリッドの最大の要素であるが、しかしそれは氷山の一角に過ぎない。パイクリサーチ社の分析によれば、電力会社は、伝送装置のアップグレードや変電所の自動化、配電の自動化などの配電インフラ計画に、資本投資の大部分を注ぎ込むことになるだろうが、最大の投資収益率(ROI、return on investment)を見込むことができるだろう。」



Smart Grid Investment to Total $200 Billion Worldwide by 2015

December 28, 2009
Ubiquitous electricity has served as the foundation for numerous technological innovations in the modern world, but the electrical grid itself is based on decades-old technology and has suffered from low levels of investment for many years. Now, however, governments and industry leaders are coming together with newfound urgency to drive an overhaul of grid infrastructure and according to a new report from Pike Research, these efforts will yield cumulative global spending of $200 billion on Smart Grid technologies during the period from 2008 to 2015.

“Smart meters are currently the highest-profile component of the Smart Grid, but they are really just the tip of the iceberg,” says managing director Clint Wheelock. “Our analysis shows that utilities will find the best return on investment, and therefore will devote the majority of their capital budgets, to grid infrastructure projects including transmission upgrades, substation automation, and distribution automation.”

Pike Research forecasts that these grid automation initiatives will capture 84% of global Smart Grid investment through 2015, compared to just 14% for advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and 2% for electric vehicle management systems. The cleantech market intelligence firm also anticipates that Smart Grid revenues will peak in 2013 after several years of a strong push by key governments, and will thereafter be a smaller, albeit still very substantial, market.

Pike Research’s report, “Smart Grid Technologies”, analyzes the global market opportunity for Smart Grid technologies and applications. The report examines utility business models, regulatory factors, technology issues, and the dynamics of end-user demand. It includes profiles and analysis of 70 key players in the rapidly evolving Smart Grid industry ecosystem, as well as detailed global market forecasts through 2015, segmented by region and application.

Smart Grid Technologies
Networking and Communications, Energy Management, Grid Automation, and Advanced Metering Infrastructure

◆米国市場調査会社 パイクリサーチ社について

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